Unpack the Track: Personal Igloo on ‘old me’


We absolutely love your new song 'old me' which you self-described as 'anti-pop inspired', with punchy, vibrant production, vibey guitar lines and captivating, raspy vocals! What's the concept of this track?

'old me' is a track designed to get you comfortable with a former version of yourself. Based on a rather harrowing stage of my life, this track is an extension of my feelings towards accepting the past and finding a new way to reinvent myself. For what could be seen as a rather 'dark' lyrical topic, the instrumentation and style of the music gives 'old me' a real sense of upbeat energy and positivity, as well as pulling a few strings of relatability!

What was the writing & production process like?

'old me' was an incredibly enjoyable writing & production process. The initial inspiration began as a chord progression from one of those one in a million beats that just felt right in the moment!

After delving myself deeper into the vibe and instrumentation, I was able to channel a strong sense of emotion and belief towards the vocals and message. The song has an eclectic blend of pop, rock and I have even been informed "funk" where then producer/engineering power of Ben Lawson (SACHI & MELOWDOWNZ) from Red Bull studios was able to put his own salt & pepper on it all!

Lyrically, I spent a few months honing and crafting the key hooks, with some lyrical insight and input from band mate Sam Marshall.

What was your main highlight working on 'old me'?

All of the collaboration involved with other people have been the highlights for sure! Working with Ben Lawson from Red Bull Studios for the first time was an awesome experience. Working with Mark Duncan from day off studio for the music video and Cam Hay for some photos and production content all tied really well into each other! Also some excellent cover art work and social media planning with good mate and digital designer Sam Marshall!

How did you come up with the name "Personal Igloo"?

To be completely honest, it was from a "band name generator" while I scrolled endless names on company time. "Personal Igloo" just immediately stood out to me, as it not only represents key aspects of my personality, but also my creative process.

My sheer passion for being involved in as much as I can means the songwriting and production becomes incredibly personal - it is a self fulfilling project in which I am willing to pour a large vessel of emotional energy into! You've got to love whatever it is you're doing!

We can't wait to hear more music from you! When can we expect your upcoming music?

Keep those eyes and ears posted! The sophomore EP will be out just in time for NZ summer to enjoy!

Make sure you keep up with Personal Igloo on Instagram, Facebook, Spotify or Apple Music.


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