Unpack the Track: Bandi on ‘WGMI (We Gon Make It)’


'WGMI (We Gon Make It)' is an absolute summer anthem with sun-soaked guitar lines and crunchy, upbeat production! Can you tell us about the concept of this song?

This song has two leading concepts: the first is about relationships, getting through tough times with somebody and becoming stronger. The lyrics say, 'We gon' make, trust and believe it' as we wanted a positive message, encouraging people going through emotional struggles.

The second concept is a nod to the NFT/Crypto space. WGMI is an optimistic crypto and NFT community term meaning 'We're Going To Make It.' There are also many hidden NFT/Crypto references within the lyrics of this song.

Our music video, which will be released this month, features our NFT avatars, representing our alter egos performing live in the metaverse.

How did the collaboration with Jupiter Project come about?

Gavin and Marty (Jupiter Project) have been close friends of mine for years, and we always keep in touch to chat about all things music. Over lockdown, we decided to make a song together, and after lots of brainstorming ideas and melodies, and WGMI was born. Lockdown was a blessing in disguise because it gave us plenty of time to focus on developing and refining the song without typical life distractions.

What was the writing & production process like?

The writing process was great fun! We got together and put aside a couple of focus days. We set up our music gear and then discussed what was happening in each of our lives. From there, we could narrow down what was pulling our heartstrings the most and landed on some strong concepts.

The production process consisted of many days singing over a keyboard and improvising ideas together. Once we were happy with the beat, we re-recorded it with live instruments, thanks to some talented local musicians.

What was your main highlight working on WGMI?

If I were to pick out one highlight from working on WGMI, it would be hearing the song once live recorded instruments were added. It brought the whole song to life and was such an exciting moment for all of us.

We can't wait to hear more music from you! What can we expect?

I'm so excited to be able to say that I will be releasing my debut EP, 'Bittersweet', in a couple of months. WGMI is the first single on the 5-track EP, with the second single coming out very soon.

Make sure you keep up with Bandi on Instagram, Facebook, Spotify or Apple Music.


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