Q&A: Lilly Carron

Lilly Carron 002 (by @babybrannen).jpg

Enchanting. Vulnerable. Dazzling. The indie-pop songstress Lilly Carron, originally from Muriwai, has released her magical debut EP “Messy Mind” and we’re in love with the whole thing - each of the sensational 40 second interludes even deserve their own credit! The collection of songs also includes the mesmerising track “Talk To Me” which has racked up an impressive 1.3 million streams on Spotify alone.

We’d love to know a little bit about your musical journey so far from when you first started singing!

My musical journey probably started with my grandma! She has been in a choir for as long as I can remember and it really got me inspired. I did vocal lessons in high school but my main experience is singing loudly in my car….

Your debut EP “Messy Mind” is absolutely stunning! How would you describe the overall theme of this EP?

Ahh thank youuu! This project was written over the past few years, it’s essentially been my diary haha. I didn’t go into this project with a real goal of what it was going to be about - these songs were driven around what I was experiencing at the time. After some reflection I’d say the theme surrounds the uncomfy feelings in life like fear and anxiety. 💜

What were your main highlights on working on the EP?

Getting to write and work with Jordan (HIGH HØØPS) and Josh (Wells*). This project was my first time collaborating and these lads created an amazing space to come together. 

We’re especially loving your gorgeous single “Superhuman”! Can you tell us a little bit about the meaning behind this track and what inspired you to write it?

“Superhuman” is a very special one for me, I really wanted a tune that manifested strength. It delves into insecurity, anxiety and fear and the need to break free of unhealthy habits.

Who are your biggest inspirations in music?

Fleetwood Mac, Erykah Badu and Amy Winehouse are definitely at the top of the list 

Who are some of your favourite NZ artists right now and are there any songs in particular that you love or connect with?

Ooooo there are so manyy. I’ve been loving “Call You Out” by deryk. There’s also RIIKI (love her so much), imugi 이무기 and There’s A Tuesday 💚

What do you love most about living in New Zealand? Do you have any favourite places to travel to or local spots to visit?

My favourite part about New Zealand is the West Coast. Totally unpredictable and moody - always has a story to tell. In saying that, my favourite spot to visit is Bethells (Beach), the drive out there is so pretty :))))

Lastly, if you could say one thing to every person in the world, what would it be?

Love harder xxxxxx

Thanks Lilly! Make sure to keep up with her on Instagram, Facebook, Spotify or Apple Music.


