dœgægé on his debut EP ‘GOBLIN BLISS ETERNAL RELIEF’

There’s no doubt you’ll be immediately captivated by the experimental/indie-punk-rock sound of dœgægé! Recently being featured in Rolling Stone Magazine, this rising artist is for sure one to watch.

Hey dœgægé, thanks so much for taking the time to chat to us! First of all, we'd love to know about your musical journey from when you first started making music?

I heard Kyoto by Skrillex when I was 11 and it changed my life. I wanted to become a DJ, I was interested in making music but I was too dyslexic to find the right words to search up a tutorial. It took me a couple years of wanting to make music before I found out how haha. I was making trap music and future bass for a while. I bought a guitar because I wanted to join a band in high school, I had no idea how to play it but I told everyone I could. Once I started to understand playing it I started making rap songs & hyperpop SoundCloud hero music. :)

Can you tell us about the concept of your EP ‘GOBLIN BLISS ETERNAL RELIEF’?

There wasn’t much concept around this project. The name and the songs just came to me spontaneously, they all fit together really well as a project.

What were your main artistic influences going into this project?

The Smashing Pumpkins, Elliott smith, The 1975, and Dean Blunt. :)

We love all the tracks on this EP, but one that we can't stop playing is 'Glue'! Can you tell us about what inspired you to write this song?

This was the first song I wrote for the project. I had some of the lyrics from an older demo, it was a very easy and natural writing process. The whole song came together in only a few hours.

Impressively, this whole project is performed, written and produced solely by you! What's your usual writing and production process?

It really is just sitting down and doing whatever comes to mind, inspired by anything.

What were your main highlights working on this EP?

I’m not sure haha, I enjoyed the whole thing. It was just really exciting watching it come together.

Who are some of your favourite NZ artists right now and are there any songs in particular that you especially love?

Quix & Montell2099 used to be my all time favs. But recently I’ve been super into Tom Verberne & Maxwell young.

We love them all! What are some of the biggest lessons you’ve learnt in your career so far, and what advice do you have for other artists out there?

My best advice right now is to trust the universe even when your unlucky. Trust your gut, do what excites you & what feels right.

Lastly, we end every interview with this question - if you could say one thing to every person in the world, what would it be?

The grief is never ending but so is the love.

Thanks so much dœgægé! Make sure you follow him on Instagram, Spotify or Apple Music.


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