LEISURE on their latest album ‘Leisurevision’

Navigating the human experience, and all the hope, joy, chaos and euphoria it entails, Aotearoa's LEISURE present their fourth studio album ‘Leisurevision’. Underpinned by their genuine friendship and democratic writing process, they consistently deliver a steady stream of good vibes to soundtrack your lazy Sundays.

Hey team, thanks so much for taking the time to chat to us! First of all, we'd love to know a little bit about your musical journey from when you first started making music together?

We basically came together after being quite jaded by our past experiences in the music industry. We wanted to start something purely democratic that we could control the pace of ourselves and not have any outside voices dictate anything creatively.

A huge congrats on your latest album 'Leisurevision'! What were your artistic influences going into this album and what themes were important for you to write about in this project?

Thank you very much! It's hard to pin point the influences as it's so varied coming from now 6 people. A lot of the themes are similar to our previous records, zooming in on experiences like long-term relationships, taking ownership of your life and choices, the responsibilities that begin to appear as you start your own families.

You kick off the album with 'Always' which is a song we absolutely love. What inspired you to write this track?

'Always' is a great opener! We've been opening the set with it too. Jaden wrote the majority of the lyrics for this one. It's him putting the spotlight on his family and saying 'this love we have will always be number one above everything else'.

Plus, we have to talk to you about 'Summer Season' - the ultimate summer anthem with local legend Muroki! Can you tell us a little bit about the concept of this song and how the collaboration came about?

We had this track sort of ready to go for Sunsetter but Djeisan wasn't a fan of his vocal performance for whatever reason. So we held off, gave it to Muroki who added in his own verse. Djeisan helps make a lot of the Muroki stuff so it was a very natural collab.

What were some your favourite or most memorable moments working on the album?

It's hard to say as it's such a blur. But once the mixes start coming back and all of Jordan's art direction starts forming it gets really fun and feels more 'real'.

And you recently completed your NZ nationwide shows, have almost finished your US tour and are about to go on your Australian run! What’s your favourite part about performing live?

Seeing the people connect with the music definitely. You see the number's of listeners pop up on streaming services but it's quite a different feeling when you start seeing people sing your whole set back to you, having the time of their lives. We get a lot of really cool messages from people saying how much our music helps them in one way or another - that is a really special feeling that we don't take for granted at all.

Incredible! Plus, you've had some incredible moments in your musical journey including 3 NZ Top 20 albums, 350+ million streams, and sold-out shows throughout NZ, Australia and Europe! What do you think has been the highlight of your career so far?

The travelling is pretty cool at the moment. But honestly, hearing from people who connect with our music is probably the biggest one for me (Tom). I know that feeling really well and to be able to give it to others is such a blessing and what carries me through when I'm feeling burned out and/or uninspired.

Who are some of your favourite NZ artists right now and are there any songs in particular that you especially love?

Our boys Balu Brigada have recently relocated to NYC and are doing very cool things! Also keep your ears out for a new singer/songwriting called Niamh Rhodes ;)

Very exciting! What are some of the biggest lessons you’ve learnt and what advice do you have for other artists out there?

Your peers success is your own. Always do what's best for the song. Pleasing everyone is impossible - make what you would want to listen to and you've already won.

Lastly, if you could say one thing to every person in the world, what would it be?1 response

All thoughts are lies - don't take them too seriously.

Thanks heaps lads! Make sure to keep up with LEISURE on Instagram, Facebook, Spotify or Apple Music.


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