Unpack the Track: Heavy Chest on ‘Sunday926’ with BENEE


Congrats on your absolutely magical song ''Sunday926" with the incredible BENEE! How did this collab come about?

Andre: Thank you! During the last big lockdown I was cooped up in the Coromandel working and making music. A friend of mine sent me a magazine article where BENEE mentioned HEAVY CHEST was somebody she had been listening to. As I am also a big fan of her work and her as a person, I decided to reach out and see if she wanted to make a track together!

So amazing! How did you land on the name of the track and what's the inspiration behind the song?

Andre: 'Sunday926' was what I named the first demo version of the song when I bounced it down to an MP3. I decided to stick with this as the name because it represents the time I made the tune and how I was feeling in that moment. I originally wrote a few lines about half truths and complexities of relationships. That feeling of doubt and knowing someone isn't being completely honest with you, that tension and the thoughts that run through your brain.

What was the writing & production process like?

Andre: Super fun! It has great working on a song that doesn't have any guitar in it as I feel like that is my default way to go when I start a recording. It feels like a cool step into a whole new area which is excites me creatively. After sending through a demo to Stella, she sent back a few different verses over the beat. Then I had to pick and choose from these which was pretty damn hard because they all sounded amazing haha. After a bit more back and forth and some mixing, I sent back the song off to be mastered in New York.

What was your main highlight working on this track?

Andre: In the past, I haven't done too much collaborating with other artists. So working together with another artist and especially someone as talented as BENEE has been a special experience and I have really enjoyed the creative process. Hearing the final master for the first time was a big moment. I'm very proud of the song and it how it came out. I am inspired and optimistic for what the future holds.

Do you have more music on the way soon?

Andre: Yes! Currently working on a few ideas myself producing at my home studio here in Auckland on songs in the 'Sunday926' vein. I am experimenting with a lot more electronic elements, beats and synths. I'm really enjoying the creative freedom and it feels like these new ideas can go anywhere! I have also been writing with Josh Brown and Davin Ojala from the live band. We plan to do some recording together soon which is exciting, as having three brains workshopping ideas helps to move songs in new directions. So yes! I will be sharing more new music soon :)

Make sure you keep up with HEAVY CHEST on Facebook, Instagram, Spotify & Apple Music.


