You can always count on Tāmaki Makaurau-based singer-songwriter, rapper, and producer Aidan Fine to make the kind of hip hop & R&B that you can effortlessly vibe to. And that’s exactly what you’ll be doing when you listen to his first dreamy drop for 2022 ‘Something New’.

Hey Aidan! Thanks so much for taking the time to answer some of our questions! First off, how did you get started in singing/rapping & making music?

Hi! Thanks for having me. I started making music when I was about 15. But I'd say my journey to becoming a musician began way before that. As a kid, I was super ambitious and I'd have these crazy phases where I was obsessed with *insert abstract obsession here*. The problem was I'd suddenly lose interest in that thing and move on to something new that I got super obsessed over. Nothing was sticking, but I'm grateful that I kept cycling through things because eventually I landed on making music. I think that one stuck because I got to combine my passion for writing with my passion for music, and it was a perfect storm. I was obsessed, but this time I felt so fulfilled by the process of expressing myself through music - and the constant challenge to improve my skills as a storyteller and a musician - that it really stuck with me. And it's stuck with me ever since.

Incredible. And huge congrats on your dope & super catchy new single ''Something New"! Can you tell us about the meaning of the song and the inspiration behind it?

Thanks so much! The song is a story, and it's about a relationship, but it's also not really about a relationship at all. It's about the idea that we often pursue happiness by seeking something else, something "new" and better. But in reality, for a lot of us, if we focus on what we have, our current blessings, we'll realise that happiness isn't always elsewhere. Sometimes it's exactly where you are.

Yes totally agree! Plus we love the music video for it which you self directed and produced! What was your favourite part about filming and directing it?

I appreciate the love! I think my favourite part about the whole process was looking at the DOP's monitor (Alex Campbell aka Allegory Films) after each scene was set up and ready to roll. It was surreal seeing my storyboards come to life so accurately and creatively. Shoutout to the amazing crew who made it all possible and fielded my ignorant questions (it was my first time directing anything).

You did an amazing job! More music on the way soon?

Yes! I have a song with one of my favourite NZ artists coming out next.

That’s super exciting. We know you're an integral part of the Y$O crew - the most exciting R&B/hip hop collective in Aotearoa for those who don't know! What's one of your main highlights being a part of Y$O and do you have any upcoming projects for it?

One main reason I love being a part of Y$O is that we take the music seriously, but we don't take ourselves too seriously. Every session or meet-up is a laugh festival and the social element is a much needed contrast to me working alone on my solo stuff. And yeah, we do have some upcoming stuff and we're meeting every week to sharpen our next offering.

Sick! Who would you say are your biggest inspirations in music?

Donald Glover, Tyler the Creator, Kanye West and André 3000.

And who are some of your favourite NZ artists right now and are there any songs in particular that you especially love?

There's a lot. And I could legit go on for days about some of these artists but here's a few I'm enjoying at the moment: Rhys Rich, Rewind Fields, Paige, Hans., Crystal Chen, Casual Healing, Len Blake ... I could go forever. But I'll stop there!

That’s a beautiful list! What do you love most about New Zealand? Do you have any favourite places to travel to or local spots that you like to visit?

First thing that came to mind is the ice cream store in Pōkeno. Which is crazy because it's literally just TipTop but it just hits different. I could really do with some ice cream right now. Damn.

Haha love it! What are some of the biggest lessons you’ve learnt as an artist, and what advice do you have for other artists out there?

To be honest I know absolutely nothing about anything but I'd say the best thing I've learnt as an artist is to look inward, not outward. When you're deciding what to create, don't focus on what anyone else does, says or sounds like. Focus on what you want to do, what you want to say, and what you want to sound like. That's some advice I constantly need to come back to.

Lastly, we end all our interviews with this question - if you could say one thing to every person in the world, what would it be?

Stream my song pls. Just joking. 7 billion streams would go kinda crazy though. Nah I'd probably just tell them they look nice today or something. That always helps. Thanks for having me!



